GmPiaf Posted September 15, 2024 Share Posted September 15, 2024 KO4FUN - 7.Academy Zenith Sunucu 27 Eylül Cuma 21:00 (Official) 10 gün sürecek olan bu macerada sende yerini al 200.000 TL TOPLAM TURNUVA ÖDÜLÜ 8 vs 8 PARTY TURNUVASI Eski oyunculara yetişmekte sorun mu yaşıyorsunuz? Bu sorunu ortadan kaldırıyoruz. Zenith Akademi, 10 gün boyunca açık kalacak hızlı tempolu bir sunucudur! Siz değerli oyuncularımızdan sürekli tarih yüzünden yetişemedik, diğer oyunculardan geri kaldık vb. mesajlar almaktayız. KO4FUN ekibi olarak "Academy" adını verdiğimiz yepyeni bir konsept olan Gelişim Sunucusu sizlere sunmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz. Bu sistem Knight Online PvP tarihinde ilk olarak KO4FUN tarafından yapılmıştır. Lütfen taklitlerimizden sakının. 27 Eylül Cuma 21:00 7. Academy Sunucusu Açılacaktır. 7 Ekim Pazartesi 18:00 Sunucu birleşimi gerçekleşecektir. 11 Ekim Cuma 200.000 TL Ödüllü 7. Turnuva Kayıtları başlayacaktır. 7. Zenith Academy 200.000 TL Ödüllü Turnuva 8 vs 8 PARTY TURNUVASI ÖNEMLİ MADDELERİ ŞÖYLE SIRALAYABİLİRİZ ; Academy serverinde 1 Account ile sadece 1 karakter açabilirsiniz.(Yan karakter devre dışı) Academy serverinde alacağınız nick Zenith serverindeki nick ile aynı olmamalıdır. Kullandığınız premium ve özellikleri her iki serverde de geçerli olacaktır.(Premium hediyeleri hariç) Zenith Serverinde kullandığınız pus ürünleri ve itemler Zenith Academy serverinde aktif olmaz. (Zenith Academy yeni bir server olarak düşünebilirsiniz) Academy serverindeki inventory'niz Zenith serverine aktarılır. (Not: Bazı itemler ve para aktarılmaz detaylar aşağıda) Academy serverindeki Banka, VIP Key, Clan ve Clan Bankası aktarılmaz. Academy serverindeki Letter (mesaj yoluyla) gelen itemler aktarılmaz. Pet aktarılmaz. Academy serverinde 10 gün boyunca %10 NP Event aktif olacaktır. Academy serverinde 10 gün boyunca %700 Drop Event aktif olacaktır. Academy serverinde 10 gün boyunca %700 Exp Event aktif olacaktır. Academy serverinde 10 gün boyunca %700 Coins Event aktif olacaktır. Academy serverinde günlük görevler 8x olacaktır. Academy serverinde CR Event ödülleri 8x olacaktır.(Yeni aktif edilen kutular 8x olmayacaktır.) Academy serverinde 10 günün sonunda oluşturduğunuz karakter tüm itemleri , npsi , pus ürünleri ile eksiksiz bir şekilde Zenith serverine aktarılacaktır. Academy sunucusunda kastığınız NP leri NP Soul itemiyle, Zenith serverındaki ana karakterinize aktarabileceksiniz. Academy serverinde Automatic Mining dropları 8x olacaktır. (örn: Bütün itemler aynı oranda 8x olarak gelir.) Santa Event Academy boyunca Ronark Land bölgesinde yapılacaktır. Saat takibini oyun içinde sağ üstte bulunan kum saatinden yapabilirsiniz. Academy sunucusu boyunca "Gem, Fragment, Chests, Abyss gem" gibi itemleri Chaotic Generator'de kırdırdığınızda +3 / +5 olarak drop alabilirsiniz. Zenith Academy Serverinin Amacı; Zenith sunucusunu daha uzun soluklu bir server haline getirmek. Zenith sunucusuna belli sebeplerden dolayı başlayamayan oyunculara ikinci bir imkan sunmak. Zenith sunucusuna başlayıp tutunamayan, oyunu erken bırakan oyuncuları tekrar kazanmak. Zenith sunucusunda oynarken başka sunucuya geçip pişman olan oyunculara ikinci bir imkan sunmak. Zenith sunucusuna düzenli olarak yeni oyuncu kazandırmak. Sunucu birleşimi süreçleriyle ilgili tüm detayları aşağıda bulabilirsiniz. Sunucu Birleşimi adresindeki Genel Sıralama bölümünde nickinizi aratıp birleşimde silinecek itemlerinizi kırmızı olarak görebilirsiniz. TL Bakiyesi, Knight Cash bakiyesi, Premium süresi ve Genie süresi tüm sunucularda aynı kullanılabilir. Banka ve VIP key, sunucu birleşiminde aktarılamaz. Zenith sunucusunda hiç karakteri olmayan oyuncular otomatik olarak aktarılır. Eğer Zenith sunucusunda karakteriniz varsa Academy'den gelen karakteriniz "Cyper Ring" şekilinde 1. 2. 3. veya 4. karakterinizin Letter'ına gönderilecektir. Clanlar aktarılamaz. (Clan premium'a sahip oyuncuların Clan Contribution Certificate almasına gerek yoktur) Clan Contribution Certificate ile NP bağışı yaptıysanız çekmeniz gerekmektedir. Zenith ve Academy sunucularının oyuncu nickleri, clan nickleri, pet nickleri aynı olamaz. Yani Zenith sunucusunda kullanılmış bir nick veya clan ismini academy'de kullanamazsınız. Banlanmış veya disiplin zindanında bulunan karakterler birleşmede yine zindanda olur ve ana karakterinizi etkiler. Zenith Academy 'de bulunan karakteriniz academy sunucusunun süresi bittiğinde aşağıdaki resimde göründüğü gibi sarı alanlarda bulundurduğunuz itemlerle birlikte, Cyper Ring haline getirilir. Birleşim gerçekleştikten sonra, Zenith serverindeki 1. karakter'e Cyper Ring olarak LETTER 'a gelmektedir. Academy serverından Zenith serverına aktarılan Cyper Ringler trade edilemez. Birleşimle birlikte Zenith sunucusuna geçecek ve birleşim esnasında silinecek itemler ile ilgili sorunuza cevap olarak konunun en alt kısmındaki tablo dan ctrl +F tuşları ile item isimlerini aratabilirsiniz. Cypher Ring kırdırma işlemini aşağıdaki şekilde yapabilirsiniz DIPNOT: Cypher ring kırdırma işlemini yapabilmeniz için ringteki karakterinizle, ringi kırdırmak istediğiniz hesabın ırkı aynı olmak zorundadır. Ringteki karakterinizin ırkını kontrol etmek için envanter yenileyip ringe sağ tıkladığınızda sol üst kısımda bilgileri göreceksiniz. Aşağıda paylaşılan ırk ve joblardan kontrollerinizi yapabilirsiniz. HUMAN KARUS Barbarian Arch Tuarek Male El Moradian Puri Tuarek Female El Moradian Tuarek Kasar Hood Wrinkle Tuarek Blade Berserker Cleric Shadow Knight Paladin Berserker Hero Arch Mage Hunter Mage Elemental Lord Blade Master Shadow Vain Ranger Shaman Porutu Sorcerer Kurian Neden Coinler Aktarılamayacak? Zenith Akademi sunucusu Zenith sunucusunda oynayan oyuncuları daha hızlı yakalayabilmeniz için açılan bir gelişim sunucusudur. Sunucunun amacı Zenith sunucusunda olan oyuncuları Item, Level ve NP olarak kısa sürede yakalayabilmenizdir. Akademi sunucusunda kasılan coin miktarının çok yüksek olması sebebiyle coinler aktarılamayacak olup Akademi'de kastığınız coinleri değerlendirebilmeniz için bazı kutuları Hafize ANA'dan satın alarak aktarabileceğiniz değerli itemler elde edebilirsiniz. Chaotic Generator Item kırdırma listesini linkinden inceleyebilirsiniz. 15 Günlük Clan Premium Academy Sunucusuna özel [QUEST] Hafize Ana NPC'sinde 1 GB karşılığında alınabilir. Bu Clan Premiumlar aktarılamaz. Automatic Mining Güncellemesi (Zenith Academy ) 10 gün boyunca 8x Drop gelecektir. Detaylar için aşağıdaki linke göz atabilirsiniz; Sunucu Birleşiminde Geçirilemeyecek İtemler Coinler aktarılamaz. Sundires ve Charon'da bulunan hiç bir item aktarılamaz. Dc Sundries'te satılan itemler aktarılamaz. Üst üste binen çoğu item aktarılamaz. (Bus, Opal, Sapphire, Crystal vb.) Asga Fruit ve Cardinal Jewel itemleri aktarılamaz. PUS'tan alınan Clan Premium aktarılamaz. Job Change itemi aktarılamaz. Sunucu Birleşiminde Geçirilecek İtemler Inventory'deki silah, zırh, takılar ve pus eşyaları ve magic bagdeki itemler aktarılabilir. Fun Point, Akara Point ve Spell Stone of Powder aktarılabilir. Blessed Box,Event Box,Weapon Box aktarılabilir. Hepa Materyalleri aktarılabilir. Exp Jar aktarılabilir. Gold Box, Silver Box, Random Box, Super Box, Material Box, Krowaz Armor Box, Krowaz Weapon Box, Akara Box, Super Box +,Krowaz Weapon Box +, Krowaz Armor Box +, Super Box +, Holy Armor Box aktarılabilir. Black Chitin Armor, Dragon Armor (Sundries'den 100m'e alınan fantastic armor materyalleri hariç) materyalleri aktarılabilir. Black Chitin Armor ve Dragon Armor itemleri aktarılabilir. Ruler itemler aktarılabilir. Dragon Shell Box ve Black Chitin Box aktarılabilir. Gem ve Fragment aktarılabilir. Monster Stone aktarılabilir. Party Monster Stone aktarılabilir. Krowaz Silah materyalleri ve Krowaz Armor materyalleri aktarılabilir. Holy Knight Armor materyalleri aktarılabilir. İyi oyunlar dileriz, adresindeki Genel Sıralama bölümünde nickinizi aratıp birleşimde silinecek itemlerinizi görebilirsiniz. Aşağıdaki örnekteki gibi, silinecek itemler kırmızı olarak görünmektedir. ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ Silinecek İtemlerin Listesi (CTRL+F ile arama yapabilirsiniz) Clan Premium (15 Day) Chinese Flag Turkish Flag American Flag Canadian Flag German Flag Danish Flag Polish Flag Korean Flag Chinese Flag Japanese Flag Centaur Bow Chocolate Blue Key Red Key Black Key Platinium bar Blood of wolf Blessing Potion Cure Potion Throwing-knife Prayer of life Prayer of love Prayer of grace Prayer of favors Prayer of bless Stone of life Tooth of Smilodon Claw of Stegodon Heart of Haunga Gabolt Scales Bone of Dragon tooth Blood of dark mage Mythril vessel Blood of Glyptodont Bezoar of Glyptodont Upgrade Scroll Enchant Scroll(STR) Immune Scroll Reduce Scroll Elemental Scroll Blessed Upgrade Scroll Blessed Enchant Scroll(STR) Blessed Immune Scroll Blessed Reduce Scroll Blessed Elemental Scroll Enchant Scroll(HP) Enchant Scroll(DEX) Enchant Scroll(INT) Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) Blessed Enchant Scroll(HP) Blessed Enchant Scroll(Dex) Blessed Enchant Scroll(INT) Blessed Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (High Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (High Class Item) Gavolt wing Zombie Eye Cursed Bone Silk bundle Goblin Pauldron Goblin Pads Goblin Helmet Goblin Gauntlet Goblin Boots Stone of Warrior Stone of Rogue Stone of Mage Stone of Priest Scream Scroll Magic Shield Scroll Absolute Power Scroll Judgment Scroll Silver bar Gold bar Talisman of Destruction Talisman of Talia Talisman of Talia Rogue Talisman of Talia Iron bar Silan Bone Teeth of Bandicoot Dungeon Key Desperation Abyss 10th floor key Desperation Abyss 20th floor key Hell Abyss 8th floor key Hell Abyss 16th floor key Key to 50th floor dungeon Key to 60th floor dungeon Key to 70th floor dungeon Key to 80th floor dungeon Key to 90th floor dungeon Transformation Gem Firecracker Firecracker Lotto Firecracker Treasure Chest Wolf's Heart Abyss Holy Water(S) Abyss Holy Water(M) Abyss Holy Water(L) Gold Coin Green Pearl Silver Coin Key of Hell Abyss Wing Abyss Lullaby Practice Cannon Ball STR+ Scroll Scroll of Armor 50 Scroll of Armor 100 Scroll of Armor 150 Scroll of 250 HP Up Scroll of 500 HP Up Scroll of 750 HP Up Scroll of 1000 HP Up Scroll of Attack Speed-Up Potion Event Firecracker Christmas Present Snowman Snowman(El Morad) Snowman(Karus) Flower Firecracker Dispell Scroll(Light) (High Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (High Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (High Class Item) Dispell Scroll (Light) (High Class Item) New Year Lottery Flour Vegetable Meat Fish Fortune Pouch Rental Scroll Voucher for Siege War Item Unique Item Lotto Ticket Accessory Compound Scroll Accessory Enchant Scroll(STR) Accessory Enchant Scroll(HP) Accessory Enchant Scroll(DEX) Accessory Enchant Scroll(INT) Accessory Enchant Scroll(MP) Firecracker Premium Lottery Crimson Treasure Chest Language Sector Math Sector Foreign Language Sector Social Science Sector Science Sector El Morad husband El Morad wife Karus husband Karus wife Large Snow Ball Small Snow Ball Poroom's Muffler Poroom's Glove Poroom's Hat Teeti's Glove Teeti's Hat Theo's Muffler Theo's Glove Theo's Hat Nunu's Muffler Nunu's Glove Nunu's Hat Snowman Poroom~ Snowman Teeti Snowman Theo Snowman Nunu Fountain Firecracker Tentacle Poison Sack Bee Sting Tyon Meat Upgrade Scroll (Middle Class Item) Enchant Scroll(STR) (Middle Class Item) Enchant Scroll(HP) (Middle Class Item) Enchant Scroll(DEX) (Middle Class Item) Enchant Scroll(INT) (Middle Class Item) Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) (Middle Class Item) Immune Scroll (Middle Class Item) Reduce Scroll (Middle Class Item) Elemental Scroll (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Light) (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Light) (Middle Class Item) Upgrade Scroll (Low Class Item) Enchant Scroll(STR) (Low Class Item) Enchant Scroll(HP) (Low Class Item) Enchant Scroll(DEX) (Low Class Item) Enchant Scroll(INT) (Low Class Item) Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) (Low Class Item) Immune Scroll (Low Class Item) Reduce Scroll (Low Class Item) Elemental Scroll (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Light) (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Light) (Low Class Item) Magic Jewel Powder Kekoon gallbladder Black silk spool Skull Wolf Hide Scroll of Upgrade Training Reverse Scroll Reverse Item Strengthen Scroll Fountain Fireworks Firecracker Event Firecracker Flower Firecracker Armor's jewel piece Life's jewel piece Smirdon Meat Smirdon Hide Silver Feather Animal Blood Rotten Eye Coarse Ground Bone Oath of Darkness Ork Talisman Contribution's jewel piece Keilan's Scale Special Treasure Chest 1 Special Treasure Chest 2 Special Treasure Chest 3 Special Treasure Key Transformation Scroll Transformation Scroll 2 Transformation Scroll 3 Transformation Scroll 4 Fantastic Helmet-shaped Frame Holy water Water of life Water of love Water of grace Water of favors Water of bless Potion of Spirit Potion of Intelligence Potion of Sagacity Potion of Wisdom Potion of Soul Spell of flame Spell of fire ball Spell of life Net Prayer of god's power Prayer of wind Prayer of hell fire Prayer of earth Prayer of the laying on of hands Prayer of Holy Armor Prayer of anger Styx Bezoar Glutinous Rice Cake Wheat gluten Talisman Flame Resistance Potion Glacier Resistance Potion Lightning Resistance Potion Spell of Lion's Strength Retrieving Clan Member Sling Reserve Life Prayer of Cronos Shrinking Potion Enlarging Potion Suicide Bbomb Calling Friend Scroll Speed up liquid medicine Attack up liquid medicine Alacrity potion Scroll of shell Potion for increasing intelligence Poison arrow of harpy Prayer of rage Potion of recovery Water of life(Store) Water of love(Store) Water of grace(Store) Water of favors(Store) Water of bless(Store) Low Quality Gem Crude Sapphire Crystal Opal Snow ball Potion of Spirit Potion of intelligence Potion of sagacity Potion of wisdom Potion of soul Acid potion MP Shell Super MP Shell Hyper MP Shell Durability Shell Super Durability Shell Hyper durability Shell HP Shell Super HP Shell Hyper HP Shell HP Scroll Defense Scroll Resistance Scroll Attack Speed Scroll Persistent HP Scroll Magic Attack Scroll Physical Attack Scroll Defense Scroll for Ladder Truck Catapult Key Ram Key Ladder Truck Key Leader Car Key Nova Shell Snow Ball Low level aqueous bomb Mid level aqueous bomb Teleport Item Stage1 Guard Tower Stage2 Guard Tower Stage3 Guard Tower Stage1 Sentry Stage2 Sentry Stage3 Sentry Moving Tower Ladder Truck Key (Event) Ram Key (Event) Ladder Truck Key (Event) Leader Car Key (Event) Weapon Enchant Scroll Armor Enchant Scroll Bullet Marble of Trial Document of Arrogance Document of Gluttony Document of Rage Document of Sloth Document of Lechery Document of Jealousy Document of Avarice Chamber of Arrogance Transport Scroll Chamber of Gluttony Transport Scroll Chamber of Rage Transport Scroll Chamber of Sloth Transport Scroll Chamber of Lechery Transport Scroll Chamber of Jealousy Transport Scroll Chamber of Avarice Transport Scroll Catapult Key MP Shell Super MP Shell Durability Shell Super durability Shell HP Shell Super HP Shell Catapult Nova Shell Crystal of Trial Familiar Summon Familiar Channeling Confidential State Document Confidential State Document Village Key Nova Shell Holy Water of Ancient Grace Concentrated Holy Water of Grace Concentrated Potion of Soul High Class Concentrated Holy Water of Grace High Class Concentrated Potion of Soul Strong Concentrated Holy Water of Grace Strong Concentrated Potion of Soul Potion of Ancient Spirit Fantastic Boots-shaped Frame Fantastic Gaiter-shaped Frame Fantastic Gauntlets-shaped Frame Fantastic Armor-shaped Frame Arcas Leo Easter Egg Lost Gift Blood of crazy warrior Shining stone Flowing Poison Strong scale of snake Thick Harp troll skin Manticore posion sac Impure mana piece Instable mana piece High graded canine Adonis special honey Undying tooth Will of War Trophy Holy water Will of Victory Oak poisonous plant pack Golden Star Ornament Red Bow Ornament Tinsel Ornament Safe goat horn Haunted plant's stem Muddy clotthing stuff Wild mana piece Leaf Bread Milk Chicken Leg Wine BBQ Dish Tonic Bitter mana piece Rare fruit Ore magic power extract Special Gem Special Fragment Old Accessory Box Arrow Iron Arrow throwing spear Pincer Poison Undying Bone Noah Holy Water of Grace Noah Potion of Soul lotto of a turkey Magical Enhancement Rock Trophy of [Search Captain] Trophy of [Base Spearhead] Trophy of [Outpost Captain] Event Item: Scroll of Protection Event Item: Scroll of Life Azure Carnation Crimson Carnation Amber Carnation EXP Flash DC Flash War Flash Water of favors Potion of Soul Weapon Enchant Scroll Armor Enchant Scroll A lump of Destroyer's Spirit stone from Dragon Tribe Magpie NPC Transformation Manual Coupon Magpie Transformation Scroll (El Morad) Dream Girl Transformation Scroll(El Morad) Magpie Transformation Scroll (Karus) Dream Girl Transformation Scroll(Karus) Aged Wine Meat of the Blood Don Memento of a Dead Soldier Golden Goblet Unsmelted Metal Relic of a Hero Troll Blood Fruit of Old Rotten Tree Broken Horn of Centaurus Magpie Transformation Scroll (El Morad) Fire bomb(weak) Magpie Transformation Scroll (Karus) Fire bomb(medium) Fire bomb(strong) Ice bomb(weak) Ice bomb(medium) Soldier's blade of a knife Moebius's bracelet Astarode's vocal cords Gerioneus's tongue Huinoom's embers Descendant's armor shrapnel Three people's ripped spell Scroll Padama's broken feather Petrified weapon shrapnel Iron powder of chain Plwitoon's tear Mobius strip Astalos's lightning pocket Garry Oneus's poison needle Huinoom's fire pocket Armor of flame's shrapnel Finished black magic spellbook Padama's feather Evelys's leather Trophy box Trophy of bloody battle Alchemist's stone Dye Despair Spirit El Morad King promotion 1 El Morad King promotion 2 El Morad King promotion 3 El Morad King promotion 4 El Morad King promotion 5 El Morad King promotion 6 El Morad King promotion 7 El Morad King promotion 8 El Morad King promotion 9 Holy knight's legacy box Wizard's legacy box Castellan wife's legacy box Castellan's legacy box El Morad King promotion 10 Karus King promotion 1 Karus King promotion 2 Karus King promotion 3 Karus King promotion 4 Karus King promotion 5 Karus King promotion 6 Karus King promotion 7 Karus King promotion 8 Karus King promotion 9 Karus King promotion 10 Blooded fantasy cube Gold peels Castellan's stamp Broken snake's scale Haunga warrior blood Kimchi Dumpling Gift from Homeland Fortune Bag Candy Ingredient Kar Lahanas©¥ Daikon Rainworm Ice bomb(strong) Magpie Transformation Scroll (El Morad) Magpie Transformation Scroll (Karus) Killing Blade Drain Restore Light Pit Speed-Up Potion Spirit of Merchant Patrick Transform Scroll(El Morad) Menissiah Transform Scroll(El Morad) Cougar Transform Scroll(El Morad) Crisis Transformation Scroll Ibex Transformation Scroll Hera Transform Scroll(El Morad) Trophy of flame Ancient weapon's fragment Purious's claw Spell of darkmagic Plwitoon's breath Life's crystal Life's crystal Love Letter Patrick Transform Scroll(Karus) Menissiah Transform Scroll(Karus) Poison Knife Elmoradian man Transform Scroll(El Morad) Elmoradian Woman Transform Scroll(El Morad) Karus man Transform Scroll(Karus) Karus Woman Transform Scroll(Karus) Cougar Transform Scroll(Karus) Hera Transform Scroll(Karus) Offline Merchant Voucher(14 days) Soft Stone Identical Used Accessory Sold out box [Sold out box]old accessary box [Sold out box]plausible box [Sold out box]combine materials box [Sold out box]unknown feather Rosetta Armor Pack Rosetta Armor Pack [Gold Dragon Egg] Shenlong Weapon Box bifrost box 7th armor pack Guardian Exchange Coupon Magpie's mother transform coupon Gem of Experience Gem of Defense Gem of Life Gem of Contribution Snow Crystal Bride or Groom Exchange Voucher Wing Weapon Box Medal for the Leader Feather of Harpie Evidence of Pagan Bones of Troll Gargoyle Skin Staff of Disciple Empty Spirit Armor Piece Spirit of Resentment Jeweled Horseshoe Wings of Harpie Exchange Coupon for Weapon of Under the Castle Exchange Coupon for Weapon of Under the Castle Rebirth Restoration Scroll Accessory Disassemble Scroll Chaos Wing Weapon Box Like Emblem Exchange Coupon Dragon Box High Class Accessory Box 8th Armor Pack Battle Hero's Wing Exchange Coupon Unknown Feather 7th Armor Pack GNGWC Emblem Exchange Coupon GNGWC Winning Emblem Exchange Coupon À̺¥Æ® ÄÚÀÎ Blue Chitin Armor Exchange Voucher Green Chitin Armor Exchange Voucher Red Chitin Armor Exchange Voucher Blue Chitin Shell Armor Exchange Voucher Green Chitin Shell Armor Exchange Voucher Red Chitin Shell Armor Exchange Voucher Apples of Moradon [Event] Blue Treasure Chest Sheep Looking Kaul Tear Gemstone Low-level Forgotten Temple Coin Forgotten Temple Coin Fortune Pocket Worm's Fish Wing of Purius Seal Shard of Pluwiton Horn of Pluwiton Under The Castle Event Ticket Under The Castle Weapon Voucher Yonga Knight Commander's Skull Weapon Fragment Hell Hound's Teeth Manticore Leather 10th [ KNIGHT 10th ] Certificate of Draki Superior Draki Supply Box [Event] Black Treasure Chest Feather of Hellfire Dragon Banana-flavored Sweet Potato Apple-flavored Tomato Orange-flavored Onion Old Draki Supply Box Lunar Rabbit Mortar Piece Teared Voucher Piece Absolute Voucher Potion of Draki (S) Potion of Draki (L) Sealed Item Peru Flag Brazil Flag Portugal Flag France Flag England Flag Spain flag Italy Flag Dark Fragment of Pride Dark Fragment of Gluttony Polluted Holy Water Dark Fragment of Wrath Dark Fragment of Sloth Dark Fragment of Lust Dark Fragment of Envy Dark Fragment of Greed Twinkling Star Glitter Security Token Anniversary Firecracker (S) Anniversary Firecracker (M) Anniversary Firecracker (L) Holy Starlight Whirlwind Candy Pumpkin Candy 15th Anniversary Fortune Box Fortune Box I Fortune Box II Fortune Box III Fortune Box IV Fortune Box V Fortune Box VI Fortune Box VII Fortune Box VIII Rune of Ultima Rune of Ultima (Non-tradable) Drake's Blessing Drake's Blessing (Non-tradable) [Fort Conquest] Teleport Item War Horse Swift Horse Donkey Carrot Untrained War Horse Untrained Swift Horse Untrained Donkey Chinese Flag Turkish Flag American Flag Canadian Flag German Flag Danish Flag Polish Flag Korean Flag Chinese Flag Japanese Flag Centaur Bow Chocolate Blue Key Red Key Black Key Platinium bar Blood of wolf Blessing Potion Cure Potion Throwing-knife Prayer of life Prayer of love Prayer of grace Prayer of favors Prayer of bless Stone of life Tooth of Smilodon Claw of Stegodon Heart of Haunga Gabolt Scales Bone of Dragon tooth Blood of dark mage Mythril vessel Blood of Glyptodont Bezoar of Glyptodont Upgrade Scroll Enchant Scroll(STR) Immune Scroll Reduce Scroll Elemental Scroll Blessed Upgrade Scroll Blessed Enchant Scroll(STR) Blessed Immune Scroll Blessed Reduce Scroll Blessed Elemental Scroll Enchant Scroll(HP) Enchant Scroll(DEX) Enchant Scroll(INT) Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) Blessed Enchant Scroll(HP) Blessed Enchant Scroll(Dex) Blessed Enchant Scroll(INT) Blessed Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (High Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (High Class Item) Gavolt wing Zombie Eye Cursed Bone Silk bundle Goblin Pauldron Goblin Pads Goblin Helmet Goblin Gauntlet Goblin Boots Stone of Warrior Stone of Rogue Stone of Mage Stone of Priest Scream Scroll Magic Shield Scroll Absolute Power Scroll Judgment Scroll Silver bar Gold bar Talisman of Destruction Talisman of Talia Talisman of Talia Rogue Talisman of Talia Iron bar Silan Bone Teeth of Bandicoot Dungeon Key Desperation Abyss 10th floor key Desperation Abyss 20th floor key Hell Abyss 8th floor key Hell Abyss 16th floor key Key to 50th floor dungeon Key to 60th floor dungeon Key to 70th floor dungeon Key to 80th floor dungeon Key to 90th floor dungeon Transformation Gem Firecracker Firecracker Lotto Firecracker Treasure Chest Wolf's Heart Abyss Holy Water(S) Abyss Holy Water(M) Abyss Holy Water(L) Gold Coin Green Pearl Silver Coin Key of Hell Abyss Wing Abyss Lullaby Practice Cannon Ball STR+ Scroll Scroll of Armor 50 Scroll of Armor 100 Scroll of Armor 150 Scroll of 250 HP Up Scroll of 500 HP Up Scroll of 750 HP Up Scroll of 1000 HP Up Scroll of Attack Speed-Up Potion Event Firecracker Christmas Present Snowman Snowman(El Morad) Snowman(Karus) Flower Firecracker Dispell Scroll(Light) (High Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (High Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (High Class Item) Dispell Scroll (Light) (High Class Item) New Year Lottery Flour Vegetable Meat Fish Fortune Pouch Rental Scroll Voucher for Siege War Item Unique Item Lotto Ticket Accessory Compound Scroll Accessory Enchant Scroll(STR) Accessory Enchant Scroll(HP) Accessory Enchant Scroll(DEX) Accessory Enchant Scroll(INT) Accessory Enchant Scroll(MP) Firecracker Premium Lottery Crimson Treasure Chest Language Sector Math Sector Foreign Language Sector Social Science Sector Science Sector El Morad husband El Morad wife Karus husband Karus wife Large Snow Ball Small Snow Ball Poroom's Muffler Poroom's Glove Poroom's Hat Teeti's Glove Teeti's Hat Theo's Muffler Theo's Glove Theo's Hat Nunu's Muffler Nunu's Glove Nunu's Hat Snowman Poroom~ Snowman Teeti Snowman Theo Snowman Nunu Fountain Firecracker Tentacle Poison Sack Bee Sting Tyon Meat Upgrade Scroll (Middle Class Item) Enchant Scroll(STR) (Middle Class Item) Enchant Scroll(HP) (Middle Class Item) Enchant Scroll(DEX) (Middle Class Item) Enchant Scroll(INT) (Middle Class Item) Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) (Middle Class Item) Immune Scroll (Middle Class Item) Reduce Scroll (Middle Class Item) Elemental Scroll (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Light) (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Middle Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Light) (Middle Class Item) Upgrade Scroll (Low Class Item) Enchant Scroll(STR) (Low Class Item) Enchant Scroll(HP) (Low Class Item) Enchant Scroll(DEX) (Low Class Item) Enchant Scroll(INT) (Low Class Item) Enchant Scroll(MAGIC) (Low Class Item) Immune Scroll (Low Class Item) Reduce Scroll (Low Class Item) Elemental Scroll (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Light) (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Glacier) (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Fire) (Low Class Item) Dispell Scroll(Light) (Low Class Item) Magic Jewel Powder Kekoon gallbladder Black silk spool Skull Wolf Hide Scroll of Upgrade Training Reverse Scroll Reverse Item Strengthen Scroll Fountain Fireworks Firecracker Event Firecracker Flower Firecracker Armor's jewel piece Life's jewel piece Smirdon Meat Smirdon Hide Silver Feather Animal Blood Rotten Eye Coarse Ground Bone Oath of Darkness Ork Talisman Contribution's jewel piece Keilan's Scale Special Treasure Chest 1 Special Treasure Chest 2 Special Treasure Chest 3 Special Treasure Key Transformation Scroll Transformation Scroll 2 Transformation Scroll 3 Transformation Scroll 4 Fantastic Helmet-shaped Frame Holy water Water of life Water of love Water of grace Water of favors Water of bless Potion of Spirit Potion of Intelligence Potion of Sagacity Potion of Wisdom Potion of Soul Spell of flame Spell of fire ball Spell of life Net Prayer of god's power Prayer of wind Prayer of hell fire Prayer of earth Prayer of the laying on of hands Prayer of Holy Armor Prayer of anger Styx Bezoar Glutinous Rice Cake Wheat gluten Talisman Flame Resistance Potion Glacier Resistance Potion Lightning Resistance Potion Spell of Lion's Strength Retrieving Clan Member Sling Reserve Life Prayer of Cronos Shrinking Potion Enlarging Potion Suicide Bbomb Calling Friend Scroll Speed up liquid medicine Attack up liquid medicine Alacrity potion Scroll of shell Potion for increasing intelligence Poison arrow of harpy Prayer of rage Potion of recovery Water of life(Store) Water of love(Store) Water of grace(Store) Water of favors(Store) Water of bless(Store) Low Quality Gem Crude Sapphire Crystal Opal Snow ball Potion of Spirit Potion of intelligence Potion of sagacity Potion of wisdom Potion of soul Acid potion MP Shell Super MP Shell Hyper MP Shell Durability Shell Super Durability Shell Hyper durability Shell HP Shell Super HP Shell Hyper HP Shell HP Scroll Defense Scroll Resistance Scroll Attack Speed Scroll Persistent HP Scroll Magic Attack Scroll Physical Attack Scroll Defense Scroll for Ladder Truck Catapult Key Ram Key Ladder Truck Key Leader Car Key Nova Shell Snow Ball Low level aqueous bomb Mid level aqueous bomb Teleport Item Stage1 Guard Tower Stage2 Guard Tower Stage3 Guard Tower Stage1 Sentry Stage2 Sentry Stage3 Sentry Moving Tower Ladder Truck Key (Event) Ram Key (Event) Ladder Truck Key (Event) Leader Car Key (Event) Weapon Enchant Scroll Armor Enchant Scroll Bullet Marble of Trial Document of Arrogance Document of Gluttony Document of Rage Document of Sloth Document of Lechery Document of Jealousy Document of Avarice Chamber of Arrogance Transport Scroll Chamber of Gluttony Transport Scroll Chamber of Rage Transport Scroll Chamber of Sloth Transport Scroll Chamber of Lechery Transport Scroll Chamber of Jealousy Transport Scroll Chamber of Avarice Transport Scroll Catapult Key MP Shell Super MP Shell Durability Shell Super durability Shell HP Shell Super HP Shell Catapult Nova Shell Crystal of Trial Familiar Summon Familiar Channeling Confidential State Document Confidential State Document Village Key Nova Shell Holy Water of Ancient Grace Concentrated Holy Water of Grace Concentrated Potion of Soul High Class Concentrated Holy Water of Grace High Class Concentrated Potion of Soul Strong Concentrated Holy Water of Grace Strong Concentrated Potion of Soul Potion of Ancient Spirit Fantastic Boots-shaped Frame Fantastic Gaiter-shaped Frame Fantastic Gauntlets-shaped Frame Fantastic Armor-shaped Frame Arcas Leo Easter Egg Lost Gift Blood of crazy warrior Shining stone Flowing Poison Strong scale of snake Thick Harp troll skin Manticore posion sac Impure mana piece Instable mana piece High graded canine Adonis special honey Undying tooth Will of War Trophy Holy water Will of Victory Oak poisonous plant pack Golden Star Ornament Red Bow Ornament Tinsel Ornament Safe goat horn Haunted plant's stem Muddy clotthing stuff Wild mana piece Leaf Bread Milk Chicken Leg Wine BBQ Dish Tonic Bitter mana piece Rare fruit Ore magic power extract Special Gem Special Fragment Old Accessory Box Arrow Iron Arrow throwing spear Pincer Poison Undying Bone Noah Holy Water of Grace Noah Potion of Soul lotto of a turkey Magical Enhancement Rock Trophy of [Search Captain] Trophy of [Base Spearhead] Trophy of [Outpost Captain] Event Item: Scroll of Protection Event Item: Scroll of Life Azure Carnation Crimson Carnation Amber Carnation EXP Flash DC Flash War Flash Water of favors Potion of Soul Weapon Enchant Scroll Armor Enchant Scroll A lump of Destroyer's Spirit stone from Dragon Tribe Magpie NPC Transformation Manual Coupon Magpie Transformation Scroll (El Morad) Dream Girl Transformation Scroll(El Morad) Magpie Transformation Scroll (Karus) Dream Girl Transformation Scroll(Karus) Aged Wine Meat of the Blood Don Memento of a Dead Soldier Fragment of Rage Golden Goblet Unsmelted Metal Relic of a Hero Troll Blood Fruit of Old Rotten Tree Broken Horn of Centaurus Magpie Transformation Scroll (El Morad) Fire bomb(weak) Magpie Transformation Scroll (Karus) Fire bomb(medium) Fire bomb(strong) Ice bomb(weak) Ice bomb(medium) Soldier's blade of a knife Moebius's bracelet Astarode's vocal cords Gerioneus's tongue Huinoom's embers Descendant's armor shrapnel Three people's ripped spell Scroll Padama's broken feather Petrified weapon shrapnel Plwitoon's tear Mobius strip Astalos's lightning pocket Garry Oneus's poison needle Huinoom's fire pocket Armor of flame's shrapnel Finished black magic spellbook Padama's feather Evelys's leather Trophy box Trophy of bloody battle Alchemist's stone Dye Despair Spirit El Morad King promotion 1 El Morad King promotion 2 El Morad King promotion 3 El Morad King promotion 4 El Morad King promotion 5 El Morad King promotion 6 El Morad King promotion 7 El Morad King promotion 8 El Morad King promotion 9 Holy knight's legacy box Wizard's legacy box Castellan wife's legacy box Castellan's legacy box El Morad King promotion 10 Karus King promotion 1 Karus King promotion 2 Karus King promotion 3 Karus King promotion 4 Karus King promotion 5 Karus King promotion 6 Karus King promotion 7 Karus King promotion 8 Karus King promotion 9 Karus King promotion 10 Blooded fantasy cube Gold peels Castellan's stamp Broken snake's scale Haunga warrior blood Kimchi Dumpling Gift from Homeland Fortune Bag Candy Ingredient Kar Lahanas©¥ Daikon Rainworm Ice bomb(strong) Magpie Transformation Scroll (El Morad) Magpie Transformation Scroll (Karus) Killing Blade Drain Restore Light Pit Speed-Up Potion Spirit of Merchant Patrick Transform Scroll(El Morad) Menissiah Transform Scroll(El Morad) Cougar Transform Scroll(El Morad) Crisis Transformation Scroll Ibex Transformation Scroll Hera Transform Scroll(El Morad) Trophy of flame Ancient weapon's fragment Purious's claw Spell of darkmagic Plwitoon's breath Life's crystal Life's crystal Love Letter Patrick Transform Scroll(Karus) Menissiah Transform Scroll(Karus) Poison Knife Elmoradian man Transform Scroll(El Morad) Elmoradian Woman Transform Scroll(El Morad) Karus man Transform Scroll(Karus) Karus Woman Transform Scroll(Karus) Cougar Transform Scroll(Karus) Hera Transform Scroll(Karus) Offline Merchant Voucher(14 days) Soft Stone Identical Used Accessory Sold out box [Sold out box]old accessary box [Sold out box]plausible box [Sold out box]combine materials box [Sold out box]unknown feather Rosetta Armor Pack Rosetta Armor Pack [Gold Dragon Egg] Shenlong Weapon Box bifrost box 7th armor pack Guardian Exchange Coupon Magpie's mother transform coupon Gem of Experience Gem of Defense Gem of Life Gem of Contribution Snow Crystal Bride or Groom Exchange Voucher Wing Weapon Box Medal for the Leader Feather of Harpie Evidence of Pagan Bones of Troll Gargoyle Skin Staff of Disciple Empty Spirit Armor Piece Spirit of Resentment Jeweled Horseshoe Wings of Harpie Exchange Coupon for Weapon of Under the Castle Exchange Coupon for Weapon of Under the Castle Rebirth Restoration Scroll Accessory Disassemble Scroll Chaos Wing Weapon Box Like Emblem Exchange Coupon Dragon Box High Class Accessory Box 8th Armor Pack Battle Hero's Wing Exchange Coupon Unknown Feather 7th Armor Pack GNGWC Emblem Exchange Coupon GNGWC Winning Emblem Exchange Coupon À̺¥Æ® ÄÚÀÎ Blue Chitin Armor Exchange Voucher Green Chitin Armor Exchange Voucher Red Chitin Armor Exchange Voucher Blue Chitin Shell Armor Exchange Voucher Green Chitin Shell Armor Exchange Voucher Red Chitin Shell Armor Exchange Voucher Apples of Moradon [Event] Blue Treasure Chest Sheep Looking Kaul Tear Gemstone Low-level Forgotten Temple Coin Forgotten Temple Coin Fortune Pocket Worm's Fish Wing of Purius Seal Shard of Pluwiton Horn of Pluwiton Under The Castle Event Ticket Under The Castle Weapon Voucher Yonga Knight Commander's Skull Weapon Fragment Hell Hound's Teeth Manticore Leather 10th [ KNIGHT 10th ] Certificate of Draki Superior Draki Supply Box [Event] Black Treasure Chest Feather of Hellfire Dragon Banana-flavored Sweet Potato Apple-flavored Tomato Orange-flavored Onion Old Draki Supply Box Lunar Rabbit Mortar Piece Teared Voucher Piece Absolute Voucher Potion of Draki (S) Potion of Draki (L) Sealed Item Peru Flag Brazil Flag Portugal Flag France Flag England Flag Spain flag Italy Flag Dark Fragment of Pride Dark Fragment of Gluttony Polluted Holy Water Dark Fragment of Wrath Dark Fragment of Sloth Dark Fragment of Lust Dark Fragment of Envy Dark Fragment of Greed Twinkling Star Glitter Security Token Anniversary Firecracker (S) Anniversary Firecracker (M) Anniversary Firecracker (L) Holy Starlight Whirlwind Candy Pumpkin Candy 15th Anniversary Fortune Box Fortune Box I Fortune Box II Fortune Box III Fortune Box IV Fortune Box V Fortune Box VI Fortune Box VII Fortune Box VIII Rune of Ultima Rune of Ultima (Non-tradable) Drake's Blessing Drake's Blessing (Non-tradable) [Fort Conquest] Teleport Item War Horse Swift Horse Donkey Carrot Untrained War Horse Untrained Swift Horse Untrained Donkey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GmAres Posted September 30, 2024 Share Posted September 30, 2024 Güncel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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